HOT NEWS: Malaysian flight MH370 found ? Shocking new Claims (video)

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370’s disappearance remains unresolved, with theories suggesting a mass-murder-suicide by the pilot. The incident has led to changes in aviation safety measures, but the search for answers continues.

A shocking new theory has emerged surrounding the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 nearly a decade ago. According to an aviation expert, the evidence suggests that the Boeing 777’s pilot intentionally flew the plane into deep trench in the Indian Ocean.
British aviation expert Simon Hardy, who participated in the official search, suggests the aircraft and its occupants are likely resting in the ocean trench following a deliberate act by the pilot.

Hardy’s analysis, fueled by sophisticated flight simulators, led him to believe that Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah executed a mass-murder-suicide, crashing the plane into the Geelvinck Fracture Zone, a deep trench in the southern Indian Ocean. This hypothesis aligns with the FBI’s earlier assessments, a New York Post report said.

Despite his efforts, Hardy was unable to conclusively prove his theory before the search ended in 2017. He theorizes that the aircraft’s location, combined with natural oceanic movements, could lead to the plane being buried under sea debris over time. Intriguingly, Hardy points to peculiar pre-flight actions, such as requesting extra fuel and oxygen, and the lack of significant wreckage as supporting evidence for his grim scenario.
by Taboola by Taboola 

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