Home water birth: ‘I had my older children with me in the birthing, birthing pool (VIDEO)

Having a home water birth where older children are present in the birthing pool is a unique and intimate experience that emphasizes family involvement and the natural process of childbirth. This practice is gaining popularity among parents who seek a more personalized and family-centered approach to welcoming a new baby into the world.

Family-Centered Birthing Experience

  1. Inclusive Atmosphere: Including older children in the home water birth allows them to witness the miracle of childbirth firsthand. It fosters a sense of inclusion and family unity as they participate in welcoming their sibling into the world.

  2. Educational Opportunity: For older siblings, being present during childbirth provides a valuable educational opportunity about the birthing process, maternal health, and the importance of family support. It can help demystify childbirth and promote a positive understanding of pregnancy and newborn care.

  3. Emotional Support: Having older children present in the birthing pool can provide emotional support to the mother. Their presence may offer reassurance and encouragement during labor, contributing to a calm and supportive birthing environment.

Practical Considerations

  1. Preparation and Education: Before the home water birth, it’s essential for parents to prepare older children by discussing what to expect during labor and delivery. Educating them about the birthing process, including potential sounds and sensations, helps them feel informed and prepared.

  2. Safety Measures: Ensuring the safety of both the mother and the newborn is paramount during a home water birth. Parents should work closely with a qualified midwife or healthcare provider who is experienced in home births and water births. They can provide guidance on maintaining a sterile environment, monitoring labor progress, and responding to any complications that may arise.

  3. Age and Readiness: The decision to have older children present in the birthing pool should consider their age, maturity level, and comfort with the situation. Parents should assess whether their children are emotionally prepared to witness childbirth and participate in a supportive manner.

Emotional and Cultural Significance

  1. Family Bonding: Sharing the experience of a home water birth can strengthen familial bonds and create lasting memories for everyone involved. It emphasizes the importance of family unity and support during significant life events.

  2. Cultural Practices: In some cultures, involving older siblings in childbirth is a traditional practice that reinforces familial ties and cultural values. It honors the role of siblings in welcoming new additions to the family and passing down cultural traditions.


A home water birth where older children are present in the birthing pool represents a deeply personal and family-centered approach to childbirth. It celebrates the natural beauty of childbirth while involving children in a meaningful way. As families embrace this practice, it highlights the diversity of birthing experiences and underscores the importance of family support and inclusivity during the journey of welcoming a new baby into the world.

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