Breaking: Jason Aldean Refuses Taylor Swift's Request For A Toby Keith Tribute Concert, "Toby Wouldn't Have Approved"

Breaking: Jason Aldean Refuses Taylor Swift’s Request For A Toby Keith Tribute Concert, “Toby Wouldn’t Have Approved”

En setiembre de 2022 se descubrió que, en el momento en que fueron construidas las pirámides de Giza, discurría junto a ellas un…
Breaking: Archaeological Surprise: Excavation Reveals the ‘Giant Samurai’ from Millennia Ago

Breaking: Archaeological Surprise: Excavation Reveals the ‘Giant Samurai’ from Millennia Ago

In a surprising discovery at a construction site, archaeologists have found what are believed to be the remains of a giant samurai, estimated…
Hot News: Important data to locate MH370 mysteriously missing in the depths of the Bermuda Triangle.

Hot News: Important data to locate MH370 mysteriously missing in the depths of the Bermuda Triangle.

While Netflix's new doc 'Files Of The Unexplained' re-examined the case this month, has obtained the first-ever on-camera interview of key new…
Rare photo taken during the construction of the Great Pyramid

Rare photo taken during the construction of the Great Pyramid

Answer (1 of 2): Hi The Hebrew texts mentions NEPHALIM, as mighty ones, not Giants. There isn't a Hebrew word for Giant. The…
Giants - They are nothing more than an extinct cross between humans and Nephilim

Giants – They are nothing more than an extinct cross between humans and Nephilim

Just before the story of Noah’s ark, the Torah presents a cryptic narrative that has mystified and intrigued scholars for generations: And it…
Discovery of the Legendary King’s Sword: The Weapon That Vanquished the Giant Race.

Discovery of the Legendary King’s Sword: The Weapon That Vanquished the Giant Race.

It looks like nothing was found at this location.
Breaking: Scary fish-shaped man buried for 20,000 years was unearthed by archaeologists and kept secret until now!

Breaking: Scary fish-shaped man buried for 20,000 years was unearthed by archaeologists and kept secret until now!

* * * Человечество ведет летоnисную историю реnтилоидных существ на nротяжении всей истории. Археологи обнаружили в Месоnотаmии статуи человекоnодобных ящеров возрастоm 7000 лет.…
Revealing the Remarkable: Alien Human Skeletons Altering Space’s Historical Narrative (Video Evidence)

Revealing the Remarkable: Alien Human Skeletons Altering Space’s Historical Narrative (Video Evidence)

In the summer of 1947 something crash–landed in the desert near Roswell, New Mexico. US armed forces claimed it was a high-altitude balloon;…
Breaking News: New Evidence Unveils the Existence of a Massive Russian Army in the Mongolian Desert

Breaking News: New Evidence Unveils the Existence of a Massive Russian Army in the Mongolian Desert

What if aliens really did crashland at Roswell, and they looked like beautiful teens? They'd make for an excellent sci-fi show, writes Emily…
Breaking: Goliath's Tomb Uncovered: Scientists Unlock a Millennia-Old Mystery.

Breaking: Goliath’s Tomb Uncovered: Scientists Unlock a Millennia-Old Mystery.

In a groundbreaking archaeological discovery, scientists have uncovered what they believe to be the tomb of Goliath, the legendary giant from the biblical…
Kummakivi is a 500 tons rock in Finland that has been balancing on top of another rock for 11,000 years

Kummakivi is a 500 tons rock in Finland that has been balancing on top of another rock for 11,000 years

Looming out of a forest clearing in the southeastern part of Finland is an enormous 7-meter-long, 500-ton rock whose sheer size is enough…
Breaking News: Flight MH370's Whereabouts Remain Unknown After Nearly a Decade of Searching

Breaking News: Flight MH370’s Whereabouts Remain Unknown After Nearly a Decade of Searching

“I want to take some credit, I was the one who invited Travis to the Taylor Swift concert for the first time. At…
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