BREAKING NEWS: Jυstiп Bieber’s Reactioп to Seleпa Gomez aпd Zayп Malik Datiпg Seпds Faпs iпto a Freпzy. – NEWS

So is Justin’s accusation of Selena Gomez cheating on him with Zayn Malik actually true?

Now that the two have sparked romance and have already been spotted getting Sweet towards each other, Justin got something to say about the new awaited power duo.

Well, after all the speculations about him having lingering feelings towards Selena Gomez, is he finally addressing all the issues after Zayn and Sel Go publicized their date?

We have all been on the lookout for new juicy details when the Hailey, Kylie and Selena drama ensued.

Their pasts were talked about so much especially after a popular social media account, DeuxMoi spilled that Justin kept on calling Selena Gomez and telling her that he loves her until his wedding day.

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